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We practice a specific kind of prayer called Affirmative Prayer or Spiritual Mind Treatment which is a highly effective way of activating the creative process to assist in the realization and manifestation of our deepest dreams, hopes, and desires. In this type of prayer, we do not ask or beg an external God for help or things but rather recognize that there is a power in the universe that we can use. This power is known as the Law of Attraction, the Law of Mental Equivalents, the Law of Cause and Effect — and other spiritual laws and principles which respond to our deepest-held beliefs, feelings, and desires. This form of prayer allows us to be a co-creative influence in our own lives quality, outcome, and experience.
If you would like to experience this type of prayer, complete the form below, and one of our Practitioners will formulate and send an affirmative prayer to you.
Our Practitioners are available to pray with you every Sunday after service. You may also submit a prayer request using the link below, and someone will call or email you back as you indicate on your request form. 
Your prayer, email, and address are strictly confidential…
Many Blessings on your spiritual journey!

Prayer Changes Things

Prayer Request Form
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